Программа покупки акций работниками компании
Программа, предусматривающая возможность приобретения сотрудниками акций компании на льготных условиях. Считается, что такие программы способствуют усилению мотивации к труду, повышению производительности, а также снижению текучести кадров. Первая программа начала действовать в Великобритании в 1980 г. под названием «Save As You Earn» (SAYE) - сберегайте, пока вы зарабатываете. Работники могли откладывать ежемесячно от Ј5 до Ј250 (суммы не облагались налогом) на три, пять или семь лет. По истечении этого срока они могли забрать эти средства с бонусом или использовать их для покупки акций компании со скидкой. В 1999 г. была разработана новая схема - All-Employee Share Plan (программа покупки акций для всех работников), позволяющая работникам покупать акции из своей зарплаты на сумму Ј1500 в год, которая не облагалась налогами и с которой не выплачивались взносы в фонд социального страхования. См. Profit sharing, Worker participation.

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "EMPLOYEE SHARE OWNERSHIP PLAN (ESOP)" в других словарях:

  • employee share ownership plan — (ESOP) A discretionary trust, normally for the benefit of employees, ex employees and dependants. Used to supply shares on the exercise of share options as an alternative to issuing new shares. Also used in conjunction with long term incentive… …   Law dictionary

  • employee share ownership plan — ESOP A method of providing the employees of a company with shares in the company. The ESOP buys shares in its sponsoring company, usually with assistance from the company concerned. The shares are ultimately made available to employees, usually… …   Accounting dictionary

  • employee share ownership plan — ESOP A method of providing the employees of a company with shares in the company. The ESOP buys shares in its sponsoring company, usually with assistance from the company concerned. The shares are ultimately made available to employees, usually… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • employee share ownership plan — /ɪmˌplɔɪi: ʃeə ˌəυnəʃɪp plæn/, employee share ownership programme /ɪmˌplɔɪi: ʃeər ˌəυnəʃɪp ˌprəυ ræm/, employee share scheme /ɪmˌplɔɪi: ʃeə ski:m/ noun a plan which allows employees to obtain shares in the company for which they work (though tax… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan - ESOP — A qualified, defined contribution, employee benefit (ERISA) plan designed to invest primarily in the stock of the sponsoring employer. ESOPs are qualified in the sense that the ESOP s sponsoring company, the selling shareholder and participants… …   Investment dictionary

  • employee share ownership trust — (ESOT) A term used to describe an employee benefit trust. Related links employee share ownership plan (ESOP) Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US an …   Law dictionary

  • employee stock ownership plan — ( ESOP) A company contributes to a trust fund that buys stock on behalf of employees. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Employee Stock Ownership Plan Employee Stock Ownership Plan ➔ ESOP * * * employee stock ownership plan UK US noun [C] (UK… …   Financial and business terms

  • ESOP — noun a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company • Syn: ↑employee stock ownership plan • Hypernyms: ↑stock purchase plan * * * ˈēˌsäp, ˌēˌes(ˌ)ōˈpē noun ( s) Etymology …   Useful english dictionary

  • ESOP — /ˌē ˌes ˌō pē/ n [e mployee s tock o wnership p lan]: a program by which a corporation s employees may acquire its capital stock Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. ESOP …   Law dictionary

  • ESOP — ( employee stock ownership plan) A company contributes to a trust fund that buys stock on behalf of employees. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ESOP ESOP [ˈiːsɒp ǁ ˈiːsɑːp] noun [countable] FINANCE Employee Stock Ownership Plan; a scheme by… …   Financial and business terms

  • ESOP — Abbreviation for employee share ownership plan (or, in the USA, employee stock option plan) …   Accounting dictionary

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